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Back to Basics! Yoga Workshop

11/04/2017 @ 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

***For English, see below***
På denne begynder workshop vil du stifte bekendskab med de mest almindelige yogastillinger, som er fundamentet for at opbygge en god yogapraksis.
Vi vil udforske og dykke dybere, med god tid til hver stilling, så kroppen opnår en forståelse for, hvordan yogaen virker inde fra og ud, samt opnå forståelse for, hvordan god alignment skal føles.
Du vil ligeledes blive introduceret til åndedrættets betydning for yogaen og hvordan åndedrættet bruges i stillingerne.
Workshoppen er for alle – både dig, der vil have en grundig introduktion til yoga som nybegynder eller dig, som ønsker at få en dybere forståelse for de grundlæggende stillinger.
Workshoppen undervises af Cédric Gorinas. Læs mere om Cedric på www.heartwiseyoga.com eller kig forbi til en af hans klasser i Pakhus.
250 kr.
Skriv en email til info@pakhusyoga.dk med dit navn, adresse, telefonnummer og email med emnet “begynderworkshop + dato”.
Overfør samtidig beløbet til vores konto i Nordea på Reg: 2101 Konto: 0726876223 eller via MobilePay: 23965891 (husk at skrive hvad du overføre for i beskedfeltet)

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(The workshop can be held in English if not everyone understands Danish)

Sat Nov 4th, 12:30-3:00 pm, @ Pakhus Yoga (Copenhagen S)

Adopt a beginner’s mind, and join me for this “Back to Basics, Yoga beginner’s workshop
We will dive into the basic poses and essentials of good and safe alignment that will make your yoga practice more powerful and effective.
With 2½ hours dedicated to the fundamentals, we will have time to nerd and explore the most well-known asanas (poses) as well as their coordination with the breath. We will also work with a few basics breath and meditation exercices (pranayama).
This workshop is well-suited for the experienced and new yogi(-ni) alike.
Cedric is certified in Ashaya Yoga (R), an alignment-based and heart-centered hatha yoga method where advanced anatomy and yoga therapeutics meets with ancient Eastern wisdom and personal development.
Read more about Cedric here and contact him if you have any question: cedric@heartwiseyoga.com

Price & Registration

DKK 250
Send an email to info@pakhusyoga.dk with your name, address, email and phone number stating “begynderworkshop”  in the subject field.
Looking forward to diving into yoga with you!!


12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
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Pakhus Yoga
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Pakhus Yoga
Njalsgade 19 C, st.mf.
Copenhagen, 2300 Denmark
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