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A fresh start – an Ashaya Yoga ® workshop

01/21/2018 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

kr.125 – kr.250

***for English, scroll further down***

***undervisning på dansk medmindre nogle deltagere ikke forstår dansk // teaching in English possible***




Vil du give slip på det, som ikke længere tjener dig, og gør dig klar til de nye muligheder der venter på dig i 2018?

Så kom til denne workshop og oplev en kraftfuld, rensende og energifyldt praksis! Workshoppen kombinerer både fysisk praksis (asana), meditation, skriveøvelser samt en introduktion til ikke-dualistisk tantrisk filosofi, som kan være relevant for os i vores moderne hverdag.

I den fysiske del af timen (i ca. 2 timer) bliver du guidet igennem en langsom, mindful, men stærk sekvens med særligt fokus på en ”nytårs detox”, opbygning af energi, en boost for dit immunforsvarssystem, kropsterapeutiske øvelser samt en dejlig, ernærende yogic afslapning. Vi vil også tale om hvordan, du kan bygge en regelmæssig hjemmepraksis, som kan støtte dig igennem nye begyndelser.

Denne workshop tager udgangspunkt i Ashaya Yoga ® metode, som er en form for yoga der er alignment-baseret og hjertecentreret og sigter efter at bring kroppen, sindet og hjertet på samme bølgelængde som vores ”sande selv”. Metoden er resultatet af flere årtiers avanceret yoga og meditation fra både østlige og vestlige traditioner og kombinerer nøjagtige, kropsterapeutiske teknikker med livsbekræftende visdom fra yogafilosofien (se mere på www.ashayayoga.com).

Alle er velkomne uanset niveau.


Om underviseren:

Cedric Gorinas (ph.d.) brænder for at hjælpe andre med at vokse – igennem coaching og yoga. I hans yogaundervisning er det vigtigste for Cedric at skabe et trygt rum, hvor stillingerne gennemføres på en sikker måde, hvor man kan være sig selv, og hvor det bliver sjovt at udvide sine grænser.

Han har flere yogauddannelser bag sig, alle sammen inden for alignment-baseret Hatha Yoga (certificeret i Ashaya Yoga®). Han lægger stor vægt på en god og naturlige kropsholdning i stillingerne, hvilket sikrer, at den fysiske praksis udføres på en sikker måde, og som giver mulighed for fordybelse i sin praksis – både på og uden for yogamåtten.

Gennem en stærk, men langsom flow vil du opleve en fin balance mellem styrke og smidighed, øge bevidstheden om din krop og opleve forbindelsen mellem yogaen og personlig udvikling.


“Som underviser er Cedric meget nærværende og dygtig til at skabe en klasse, der både er udfordrende, men samtidig tilgængelig for alle niveauer. Han har fokus på den gode og naturlige kropsholdning, hvilket gør, at jeg trygt kan fordybe mig i stillingerne uden at bekymre mig om at overstrække eller forvride musklerne.” (T.P.)


Læs mere om Cedric på www.heartwiseyoga.com (Facebook HeartWise Yoga)


Pris og tilmelding

Prisen koster 250 kr. for 3 timer. 50 % for Tinkuy medlemmer, og 2 gratis pladser til kompletmedlemmer.

Tilmeld dig via email cedric@heartwiseyoga.com og betal via Mobile Pay (tlf. 50 47 75 21).


Sted og logistik

Hvor: Tinkuy, Skyttegade 3, 2200 København N.

Hvornår: Søn 21/1 kl.10-13. Ankom 5-10 min før.

Du kan låne yogamåtte og tæpper. Medbring egen notesbog og evt. klods og bælt.


Adresser eventuelle spørgsmål til cedric@heartwiseyoga.com.

Glæder mig til at se dig!






Do you want to let go of what is no longer serving you and enter 2018 feeling renewed?

Join me for this special 3-h yoga workshop for a purifying and energizing practice that will get you ready for the beginnings awaiting you in the New Year.


Out with the Old, In with the New

Throughout both our physical and non-physical practice we will cultivate courage and openness in order to transform what we no longer need and create space for new opportunities ahead of us.

The workshop will consist of a powerful combination of physical practice (Asana), meditation as well as guided self-inquiry exercises and a discussion of how to apply ancient Tantric philosophical wisdom into our modern life.

In the physical practice (about 2 hours) you will be guided through a slow, mindful, but strong sequence focusing on post-holiday “detox”, energy building, immune system boost, therapeutics, and sweet yogic rest. We will also talk about how to build a regular home practice to support you during new beginnings.

The workshop is informed by the teachings of Ashaya Yoga ®, an alignment-based and heart-centered yoga method that seek to align body, mind, and heart with our true self. A synthesis of decades of transformational yoga and meditation practices from both Eastern and Western disciplines, it blends precise, therapeutic alignment techniques with empowering teachings of ancient philosophy and spirituality. (Read more at www.ashayayoga.com.)


About the teacher:

A certified yoga teacher since 2013, I teach regularly at studios, workplaces, retreats, events, and privately. My approach builds up from more than 10 years of practice, teaching, and training with international teachers in alignment-based and heart-centered Hatha Yoga. Today I am the only teacher in Europe licensed in the Ashaya Yoga ® method.

Body alignment and heart centering are two central aspects of my teaching.

Clear body-alignment

Ensuring that we all go through a slow but strong sequence of poses safely, and helping the body to come back to a more optimal posture. A good and safe body alignment is also therapeutic as it helps heal previous injuries and common misalignments.

Heart-centered space

Creating a room where each person feels welcome and seen, and in which it becomes fun and safe to explore ourselves, share from our heart, and extend our own edges. Heart-centered yoga, or when we let our practice reflect onto our life off the mat, is a powerful tool for personal transformation.

Please feel free to visit Cedric’s website and blog/audio files at www.heartwiseyoga.com. Let’s connect on Facebook (“HeartWise Yoga”) or Instagram (heartwiseyoga).

When not teaching yoga, I offer 1:1 and group coaching and workshops to help entrepreneurs and leaders share their full potential with the world and conciliate personal growth with business development. Read more at www.heartwiseconsulting.com


Registration and price

Both new and experienced yogis and yoginis are welcome. Come with an open mind, ready to be nourished, discover new personal edges, and expand your heart.

Price for this 3-hour workshop: 250 kr. Tinkuy members get 50% off. 2 free spots for “komplet” members.

To sign up send an email to cedric@heartwiseyoga.com. You will be kindly asked to secure your spot by transferring the amount via Mobile Pay (50 47 75 21).


Logistics and Location

Where: Tinkuy, Skyttegade 3, 2200 København N

Time and place: Sunday January 21st (2018), 10am-1pm.

Yoga mats and blankets available at the location. Please bring your own blocs and belt (optional) and a notebook or journal (required).


Feel free to send any question to cedric@heartwiseyoga.com. I look forward to seeing you for this special time!






10:00 am - 1:00 pm
kr.125 – kr.250
Event Category:


HeartWise Yoga
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Tinkuy Spirituelt Fitnesscenter
Skyttegade 3
Copenhagen, 2200 Denmark
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