Connection & Belonging – a Workshop

Sat. 28/10/2017, 10am-1pm (3 hours) in KBH N.


(Workshoppen afholdes på dansk, hvis alle forstår dansk)

As humans, we are wired to connect to one another. For thousands of generations and since our very first breath, human connection has simply been THE condition for our survival.
If we can experience deep joy from connection with another close being, we also get easily triggered due to earlier wounds and (now outdated) unconscious strategies.

This workshop

In this 3-hour workshop we will explore the art of cultivating a sense of connection and belonging in close relationships. We ask you to come with a significant person in your life: a romantic partner, a close friend or relative etc.
Drawing from our personal experience of a 13-year committed relationship, psychotherapy, mindfulness, neuroscience, and more, we will create a safe space to address the following:
• Tapping into a sense of warmth and connection when interacting with a close other.
• Developing sensitivity to how we block connection on a somatic level
Repairing relational breaches and elevating trust
Sharing gratitude and appreciation for a close other

About us: Pernille and Cédric

Business and life partners, we are passionate about facilitating human development and sharing our own experience of years of couple work.
Pernille Bruhn, PhD, is a somatic psychologist who brings together extensive training and experience in personal development, body-oriented psychotherapy, neuroscience, nature, ancient healing arts, and poetry. In addition to psychotherapy, Pernille leads mindfulness-based interventions that enhance groups’ creativity and feeling of belonging (
Cedric Gorinas, PhD, is the founder of HeartWise Co. A heart-centered coach and yoga instructor, Cedric is committed to help people become more conscious, clearer about their life direction, and empowered to get on track with their higher purpose.

Practical info

The workshop takes place at Tinkuy, Skyttegade, 2200 Copenhagen N.
Saturday 28/10/2017, 10-13 (3 hours). 
Find også event’en på Facebook
For the sake of creating a safe and intimate space, the number of participants is limited.
To register please send an email to, on first-come, first-served basis. To secure your spot you will then be asked to pay the full amount via Mobile Pay: 50 47 75 21.
Early bird price is 300 kr. for each pair – i.e. 150 kr. per person – if registration before Oct. 5th.
Price is 400 kr. per pair – i.e. 200 kr. per person – if registration after Oct. 5th.
Tinkuy’s members get a 50% discount on the prices above. 2 free spots for Tinkuy members (one pair).
If you want to cancel your registration, please note that we do not offer refunds but you can give or sell your spot to another person/pair.
***The workshop will be facilitated in Danish if all participants are comfortable working in Danish, otherwise we will hold the workshop in English.***
Should you have any questions, please contact us (in Danish or English) at
Looking forward to sharing with you.
Pernille & Cédric