Love-Based Endings

healthy separation

Gratitude…  yes, and many other feelings.

In less than a week, I will be leaving my daily life and Copenhagen for a while. Including what my everyday has been filled with the last seven years: teaching weekly yoga classes. A couple of months ago, an intuitive sense inside me became louder and louder, and I realized it was time to take a leap into the unknown… and the first step into a cocoon phase before the next transformation.

This decision is a choice “towards” something (although I am not sure what this is!) and not “away from” something (which I know what is!). Paradoxically, I’ve had one of the best summers ever. I taught classes, hung out, and felt truly connected to the city and my community here. It’s as if taking this difficult decision and starting to share about it opened a layer of vulnerability and love in me and strengthened my relationships across the board—from professional to close friends. I am continuing to be met by love, understanding, support and reflections of inspiration, together with signs of appreciation, a mix of happy and sad smiles, and deeply touching “we’ll miss you.”

Reflecting upon this process, I have learned a few things. Contrary to what I used to think, breaks, closures, and separations of any sort need not be characterized by division, disagreement, or dramatic endings. It’s actually quite simple and revolutionary at the same time. I have learned that a break can be based on love.

This keeps on being confirmed to me. Love, love, love. I don’t mean in a “happy-go-lucky” or “flower-power-feather-in-the-hair” kinds of way; but love simply is. I love you, my life, and you love me and others, but truly what we do is not “to love” but to soften enough so love can be felt and stream through us. Suddenly, the wise words of Ram Dass “I am loving awareness” are reaching a new level of meaning in me.

What is necessary for us to see and feel love then is to soften and be real, authentic to truth, with as little hardening as possible. Then the defences melt, and we stay in love. Work in progress… for me too. You’re not alone, but together we do it better.

Here comes perhaps the other thing I have learned: Expressions of love between us as well as breakups and separations from that and those we love both help us awaken to the inner knowing that love is sourced within… and of how to let it flow though us.

So, friend, I say thank you. Thank you because you allowed me to be where I am today. Thank you to the opportunities, experiences, incredible meetings and bonds I have formed in Copenhagen over the last many years. They all helped me gather the courage to listen to my heart and keep it open while doing so.

What is next, you might ask? Reflecting, resourcing, and certainly writing. At least for six months. Yet I’ll be back one way or the other.

Meanwhile, let’s be in touch. Thanks to technology I’ll keep you posted—here and through my monthly newsletter (writings, meditations, and more). Send me a DM to subscribe or sign up om my website

Thanks to you, and love to you.

In truth,



For more inspiration on the topic of healthy separation, see also:

the final post published on my Instagram on Sept 11th, 2024 and

the newsletter I sent on “Love-Based Breaks“: News August/September 2024.

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